We are proud of our recent winner of the “WOW” award (“What Outstanding Work”), Gary Dalton of the Charlotte Terminal.
“Sometimes when we are trying to be safe things do not always go as planned. It is nice to know that in our darkest moments; we can count on our brothers and sisters to be there for us-even if it is at their own expense. A new driver was at the loading rack and was in distress because he had turned too wide to enter the loading bay. If he continued, his trailer was destined to hit a pole. Dalton noticed his fellow driver needing assistance and immediately offered to help. Dalton assisted in spotting the trailer while the new driver backed up and out of the situation. Although the backing of the trailer was successful, in the process the new driver hit his side view mirror on a loading head. The loading head was broken. When the new driver was not sure what to do, Dalton took over shutting down equipment, guiding him through the contact process and offering moral support. Dalton stayed with the driver until the Terminal Operator arrived. Dalton exemplifies the meaning of “Teamwork” and proves that “Together We Soar” as he prevented further damage to our truck.”
We are thankful to have you on the Eagle team!
