with Eagle Transport
Do you have a topic or subject you would like to hear discussed on an upcoming podcast? We would love to hear from you! Email your ideas to news@eagletransportcorp.com.

AUGUST 19, 2022
In this episode, Joe Phillips, Vice President of Maintenance, shares about:
The extensive tenure of Eagle's maintenance team and how the maintenance team members have advanced into their current roles
Day-to-day activities of Eagle's Maintenance Department and how this team serves Eagle as a whole
Overcoming recent industry challenges in fleet maintenance as a whole
Joe Phillips
Vice President of Maintenance

JULY 22, 2022
In this episode, Mark Ream, Vice President of Information Technology, shares about:
Eagle Transport's flexible technology solutions provided to customers
Our dedicated team of Information Technology professionals
Eagle's dedication to IT security plus tips to keep you safe online
Mark Ream
Vice President of IT

Harold Rackley
JULY 6, 2022
In this episode, Harold Rackley, Controller, and Matthew Denmark, Controller, discuss
The role of the Controller and the team that supports Eagle through accounts receivable and accounts payable
Harold's upcoming retirement and his plans beyond Eagle
Matthew's background before joining the Eagle family and his training to step into the role of the Controller

Matthew Denmark

JUNE 9, 2022
In this episode, Herb Evans, Vice Chairman, shares about:
The early days and history of Eagle Transport, growing from leased trucks and shops to the great company it is today
Eagle Transport's involvement in various industry associations and organizations
Current gas and transportation industry trends and their impact on Eagle Transport
Herb Evans
Vice Chairman

MAY 27, 2022
In this episode, Trase Jones, Specialty Product Marketing Manager, shares about:
The role of Responsible Care at Eagle Transport and practices to promote safe Health, Safety, Security, and Environmental practices
Continuing opportunities to train Eagle employees for safe measures during potential threats or emergencies
Our Responsible Care awards and the impact of Responsible Care certifications when communicating with potential customers
Trase Jones
Specialty Product Marketing Manager

MAY 10, 2022
In this episode, Guest Host, President & COO Lance Collette talks with Allison Sikes, Director of Recruitment & Retention, as she shares about:
The expansion of Eagle’s Recruitment & Retention Department
Efforts underway to recruit and retain new Eagle team members, and
Corporate communication strategies underway to tell the great story of Eagle and support our ongoing efforts as the Employer of Choice
Allison Sikes
Director of Recruitment & Retention

APRIL 14, 2022
In this episode, Proctor Dean, VP of Marketing, shares about:
The role of the Marketing Department here at Eagle
Our customers’ expectations from Eagle as their Carrier of Choice
Eagle’s exciting growth opportunities and more!
Proctor Dean
VP of Marketing
MARCH 11, 2022
In this episode, Rena Cater, VP of Human Resources, shares about:
Our new Payroll System, Paycom, and it's many benefits to our employees and teams
Timeline for training and implementation
News about employee benefits, open enrollment and more!
Rena Cater
VP of Human Resources
MARCH 3, 2022
In this episode, Lance Collette, President and COO and Bree Bryant, VP of Safety discuss
The latest industry updates and their impact on Eagle
Truck orders and maintenance efforts
New truck technology
Safety training updates, and more
Lance Collette
President & COO

Bree Bryant
VP of Safety