Congratulations to Driver Silahoudine Diallo from the Jacksonville terminal, after receiving this very nice compliment from Florida Driver, Ms. Smith. Rob McDonald presented a special recognition certificate and gift card to Diallo.
Ms. Smith said she wanted to take the time to let us know that she witnessed the Best Driver that she’s ever seen today! She was behind one of our drivers for a little while and she stated that she was totally impressed by his driving. She noticed him the first time on Hwy 121 when he came to a railroad crossing and turned on his flashers, came to a complete stop and took the extra time to make sure there was nothing coming before proceeding forward. After this our driver continued along staying below the speed limit and taking every precaution. On State Road 235 there was another railroad crossing and she saw him do the same thing as before. He turned on his flashers, came to a complete stop and waited to make sure there was nothing coming before proceeding forward. She said that other drivers are always in such a hurry trying to make it to their next delivery that they make driving very scary for her. She also said that she knows most people only call to make complaints on drivers but she wanted to make sure she let our company know what a great job this driver is doing for us.
Thank you, Silahoudine, for your continued commitment to safety and all drivers on the road!